Listener Feedback.
"Thank you for your beauty, and your soulful songs, and for making my heart softer and happier. And for sharing the barn, fellowship, friendship, art and music! I will always have a place in my heart for you!"
- Diana Yankes, Online Listener
"The DreamFarm Radio program has proven to be truly a special treat and pleasure to listen to. I love that you can tune in, or listen to the archived shows made available. The music here is always top shelf, as [is the show's] host, and added treat, Julie Lavender herself! Good Luck Dream Farm, as I listen and picture myself there, such a beautiful place, truly a journey through sight and sound, a pleasure to the senses, for any listener.... Job well done! Keep it coming!"
- Mary Carmel, Jazz Educator and Listener
"Had a very pleasant interlude listening in on your DreamFarm Radio program. My first impression, of course, was how wholly entertaining it was. You broke the ice seamlessly with your guest. A very natural sense of hospitality pervades as you both shared, sang, and played. It is a hallmark of any serious musician, not to show the hard work - but only the polish. That you do, making it easy to imagine that your accomplished musical guests are regular collaborators and neighbors. It is easy to conceive of myself, and others, tuning-in for the broadcast with a cup of something piping, and an aspirant notion or two. Your show was certainly a delightful encounter, and I am as charmed, informed and impressed as I'm ever apt to be without a ticket stub."
- John Henderson, Canadian Online Listener